Electric furnace installation and repair

Professional maintenance of your electric furnace in Montreal

In cities like Montreal, this is more than a necessity; The installation of an electric furnace is necessary, to face the infernal cold of winter. To achieve this, the solution found is the use of heating systems, including the electric furnace. It is the most used here in Quebec. But after the initial stages, the problems caused require expert and professional maintenance of a Electric furnace..

How does a furnace work and lifespan?

There are usually three categories of furnaces: electric furnace, gas furnace and oil furnace. The Electric furnace is a heating system that allows to warm the cold air in a room, thanks to electrical resistors. Indeed, the operating mechanism consists of repeating the warm atmosphere in all compartments of a house or apartment. This is made possible by the essential elements that make up an electric furnace, namely: fan, engine and filters. For the installation, maintenance and repair of your furnace, it is best to use a professional.

Problems with a faulty electric furnace can manifest themselves in different forms, often recognizable, but sometimes more subtle.


And in the face of furnace problems?


Here’s a look at the most common signs and their implications for your comfort and budget.

A house that doesn’t heat properly

One of the first warning signs is a home that is struggling to reach or maintain a comfortable temperature. If your furnace is working, but some areas of your home remain cold, this may indicate:

  • Defective electrical resistors, which no longer produce enough heat.
  • A poorly calibrated or blocked thermostat, unable to detect the ambient temperature accurately.
  • A sequencer problem, preventing the heating elements from turning on properly.

This type of problem, if not addressed quickly, can worsen the wear and tear on your system and increase your electricity bills.

Temperature variations and cold zones

When your furnace is not heating evenly, it may be:

  • A faulty sequencer, which does not activate all resistors as expected.
  • A build-up of dust or dirt, clogging essential components and limiting the circulation of hot air.
  • Contacts stuck in the thermostat, which cause intermittent malfunction.

These problems can affect your comfort and make your heating system inefficient.

A furnace that heats continuously

A furnace that never stops heating can signal a serious problem in the internal controls:

  • Contacts glued into the thermostat, sending a constant signal to heat, even when the desired temperature is reached.
  • A blocked sequencer, preventing the electrical resistances from stopping.

This malfunction can lead to overheating, excessive power consumption, and a risk of permanent damage to your system.

Unusual noises

Sounds like squeaks, clicks, or unusual vibrations can indicate:

  • Worn or damaged components, such as resistors that are about to fail.
  • Faulty sequencers, generating noises when they try to activate.
  • A mechanical imbalance, caused by a build-up of dirt or loose parts.

These noises should never be ignored, as they can signal structural problems that, without intervention, are likely to worsen.

A sudden increase in your electricity bill

An unexplained increase in your energy costs is another sign of an underlying problem:

  • Excessive power consumption, often caused by electrical resistances or faulty sequencers that run non-stop.
  • Increased inefficiency of your system due to poor maintenance or clogged components.

An inefficient system consumes more energy to produce less heat, which can have a significant impact on your finances.

Installation of electric furnaces in Montreal?

Just like the installation of wall-mounted air conditioners or central air conditioning, the Electric Furnace installation is reserved for professionals. First of all, the professional can help you make an optimal choice of your electric furnace. For example, depending on the size of your home, an experienced heater will guide you so that you have total satisfaction. Then, as far as the location of your furnace is concerned, the specialist is able to suggest the ideal place to accommodate your device. Finally, you should contact a heating technician to take advantage of a secure installation. Because installing an electric furnace is no small task. It takes a proven know-how to get there, and our Air Solution Air Air Air Conditioning experts are here to help.

How to ensure the repair of the Electric Furnace in Montreal

The Electric Furnace repair can be edsomedies in three complementary phases.

The first phase

To start, check to see if the thermostat in the electric furnace is on. If so, well, you can move directly to the next phase. However, if the thermostat is not on, consider changing its different batteries (if it is a battery thermostat). In the event that the furnace thermostat is electronic, so powered by the device itself, each circuit breaker must be controlled. Indeed, there are two circuit breakers to check. The first is the one in the electrical panel. Check to see if it’s in “ON” mode. The second circuit breaker to be inspected is the “disconnect” or “service breaker.”

The third phase

To overcome the last two problems noted at the second phase, try to zero the furnace counter with the “resetter” button. In this logic, put the circuit breaker in the “off” position.

The second phase

At this stage of repairing an electric furnace, it is imperative to check whether the thermostat displays the emergency indication “Emergency heat” and not the word “Cool.” If this is the case put the temperature at 26 degrees Celsius or 78 degrees Fahrenheit. After that, wait about 5 minutes. You can see one of these three phenomena:

  • The disappearance of heating;
  • Lack of hot air despite the normal operation of the thermostat’s ventilation and lights;
  • the malfunction of the indoor fan and thermostat lights that prevents the sharing of hot water.

If you encounter the last two situations, move on to the third phase.

5 minutes later, you can return the circuit breaker to “on” mode. You will find after some time that the heat is back in the rooms of your home. However, if the problem persists, simply call a heating system troubleshooter.

As far as electronic filters are concerned, they are equipped with a manual for purchase. You can read it for all intents and purposes. Control of the wheels and fan motors of an electric furnace is also essential. This is insofar as it can detect dust in order to evacuate it. Be aware that the engines of an electric furnace lubricate automatically. So you don’t have to bring them lubricant.

What to know about the maintenance of the Electric Furnaces in Montreal?

First of all, it should be noted that furnace maintenance must be done at least once a year, a bit like a wall-mounted heat pump. Forthe maintenance Of Electric Furnace, all parts of the device must be inspected. This allows the detection of debris and defective parts, in order to determine whether a general cleaning and replacement of certain elements is required. After this observation phase, step-by-step look at air filters, ventilation and the engine. Electric furnace filters come in three categories. There are disposable filters, leachable filters and electronic filters. When you want to change or clean the filter of your electric furnace, always make sure the device is in “off” mode. If your heating system filter is disposable and needs to be replaced, buy one that has the same measurements.

FAQ: Electric Furnace Problems

What are the common signs of a faulty electric furnace?

Common signs of a faulty electric furnace are usually quite recognizable. One of the first signs is a heating failure where your home is not heating properly. You may also notice temperature variations, areas that are colder than usual, or difficulty maintaining a consistent temperature. In addition, unusual noises, such as squeaking or rattling, may indicate a problem. Finally, if your electricity bill increases significantly for no apparent reason, it could be due to a faulty electric furnace. If you spot these signs, it’s important to have your heating system inspected quickly to avoid more serious problems.

Why does my electric furnace heat up all the time?

If your furnace is running non-stop, there are several possible causes that may be at play:

  • Contacts stuck in the thermostat : When the thermostat’s internal contacts stick together, they send a constant signal to the furnace to heat, even if the desired temperature is reached.
  • Sequencer failure : Sequencers, which are responsible for turning heating elements on and off, can become blocked or worn out, preventing heating from shutting down.

Solution : Turn off the power supply to your furnace to avoid the risk of overheating and contact a professional technician. SolutionAir’s experts are trained to identify and resolve these issues effectively.

Why does my electric furnace never stop heating?

This problem may seem similar to continuous overheating, but it is often caused by:

  • A blocked thermostat : If the thermostat does not correctly detect the room temperature, it can keep the heating active for a long time.
  • Internal Control Issue : A failure in internal controls, such as a sequencer or relay, can prevent power to the heating elements from being cut off.

Solution : Don’t let this problem persist, as it can lead to a significant increase in your energy bill and damage other components of your system. Call a SolutionAir Air Conditioning technician immediately for a quick inspection and repair.

Why is my electric furnace no longer heating up enough?

If your home remains cold despite a working furnace, it may be related to:

  • Faulty electrical resistances : The heating elements in your furnace can wear out or deteriorate over time, reducing heating capacity.
  • Sequencer problems : If the sequencers do not trigger the resistors correctly, the heating power will be insufficient.
  • Dirt or dust buildup : Excessive buildup on internal components can impair their performance.

Solution : Regular maintenance of your furnace is essential to avoid this type of problem. SolutionAir’s qualified technicians can clean, diagnose and repair your equipment to ensure optimal comfort.

How can I maintain my electric furnace to avoid breakdowns?

Regular maintenance of your electric furnace is essential to ensure that it runs smoothly. You can start by changing the air filters regularly, usually every 1 to 3 months, depending on usage. Clean filters allow for better air circulation and reduce furnace workload. Additionally, make sure that furnace components, such as motors and fans, remain clean and free of dust. Finally, check the electrical wiring to make sure there are no loose or damaged wires. For more thorough maintenance, it is recommended that you have your furnace inspected at least once a year by a professional. This will ensure its effectiveness and extend its lifespan.

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